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STEVEN TYLER Newest American Idol Judge brings show to new popularity levels

TV Talk show host and comedienne, Ellen DeGeneres did not last long as a judge for American Idol. The show went through some major changes this year as Jennifer Lopez and Steven Tyler joined the crew of American Idol Judges for 2011


AMERICAN IDOL and other reality TV shows are rapidly becoming king of the tube. Bored with the mundane predicatable sitcoms, the modern TV Viewer is looking for something different. AMERICAN IDOL definately fits the bill. Filled with fresh new and unknown talent, AMERICAN IDOL teases the viewer and taunts them to come back out of a necessity to knwo the results.
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Friday, January 30, 2009

American Idol Judges Felt Threatened by Local Greeting

Be careful not to read too much into what someone from Louisville says while heading out the door - like the "American Idol" judges did. The producers of "Idol" apologized Thursday on behalf of its judges, who apparently misinterpreted what a contestant in Louisville, Ky., said after a failed audition.

On his way out, Mark Mudd said: "Take care and be careful." Paula Abdul and Simon Cowell took that as a threat. Abdul scolded Mudd, telling him: "You don't say that to people, 'Be careful.' That's just not a normal thing to say."

It turns out "Be careful" is a regional parting expression. American Idol's producers say they had not heard that from any other contestants, so it took everyone by surprise. A statement from "Idol" producers said: "We now know better and look forward to visiting Louisville again someday."

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